Grow and Maintain Your Skills with Continuing Education, Pre-certification and More

For the OR and Sterile Processing Departments

Agiliti offers comprehensive education, training and development opportunities related to the care, handling, storage, maintenance and repair requirements for surgical instruments, endoscopic equipment and surgical lasers. Our educational offerings and professional certification programs play an integral role in elevating the knowledge and skills of healthcare staff, and we provide tools to help address process inefficiencies, increase physician satisfaction and support high-quality surgical outcomes.

Continuing Education

Continuing education plays a critical role in optimizing patient outcomes and reducing costly preventable damage to medical devices. Select from a wide range of video and PowerPoint-based courses designed for your busy schedule.

  • Sterile Processing/Decontamination
  • OR Infection Prevention
  • Care and Handling of Surgical Equipment
  • Laser Safety Training


Need to prepare for certification? We offer full, video-based pre-certification courses that are structured to be consumed at a pace that is right for you. Available for Agiliti surgical equipment repair customers.



Introducing the Sterile Processing: Foundations of Quality Management Systems microcredential in partnership with the Competency & Credentialing Institute, Beyond Clean and Agiliti.

  • 10 CE credits
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD
  • 50 points toward CNOR/CSSM/CNAMB recertification requirements

Surgical Equipment Continuing Education

Agiliti currently provides nearly 20 self-paced continuing education courses for healthcare facility staff members in the OR and sterile processing departments. Created by our industry experts, topics cover a range of categories and subject matters. Most courses are approved for either one or two credits and are updated regularly to ensure the most up-to-date information. Please view our complete list of continuing education courses and one of our videos below.

Surgical Instrumentation

Learn how surgical instruments should be inspected and processed, as well as potential adverse events related to instrument and sterility failures.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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This guide is a self-study program intended for use by perioperative nurses, surgical technologists, surgery managers and directors, surgeons, risk managers, central service personnel and other health care professionals interested in the topic of the precleaning transportation, proper decontamination and assembly of stainless steel surgical instruments.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Students will learn about the differences between rust and stains in stainless steel instruments and their sources.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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General Education

This study guide will allow you to list the altered characteristics of a single bacterium as it becomes part of a biofilm, explain the complexity of biofilms, take necessary steps to prevent biofilm formation on instruments and describe techniques used to eliminate biofilms already present on instrumentation.

  • CE credits: 2.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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All regulatory and standards bodies agree that cleaning must begin at the point of use. This course will explain the regulatory expectations as well as the reasons supporting those best practices.

  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Specialty Devices

Learn about how different surgical power tools are used and how best to protect them from damage.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Powered surgical instruments require a large financial investment and attention to the proper care and handling during reprocessing to protect this investment. This study guide will provide information about the different types of powered surgical instruments that healthcare professionals must understand so they can properly take care of these devices. Recommendations on reprocessing are highlighted with an emphasis on the steps needed to provide a sterile device for repeated patient use.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Quality Management Microcredential

The Sterile Processing: Foundations of Quality Management Systems microcredential emphasizes critical thinking and application skills for understanding the fundamentals of process components, their integrations within Sterile Processing workflows, and the theory and practice of historical influencers of quality management concepts.
  • 10 CE credits
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD
  • 50 points toward CNOR/CSSM/CNAMB recertification requirements

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Minimally Invasive Equipment

Learn about the history, development and advantages of minimally invasive surgery. Additionally, students will learn how to prevent biofilms and laparoscopic burns through proper cleaning and inspection.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Learn the best handling techniques to help prevent damage to flexible endoscopes.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Although flexible endoscopes appear to be very simple, they are quite complex and intricate instruments that require meticulous cleaning to ensure patient safety. This study guide was developed to discuss the care, handling and processing of these sophisticated devices.

  • CE credits: 2.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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This course will teach students how to use the Agiliti Flexible Endoscopes Damage Prevention Audit tool to enable hospitals to find where damage is happening. This presentation contains basic instruction on how to initiate and track a process improvement project.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Learn about how different rigid endoscopes are used and how best to protect them from damage.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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This study guide will identify the construction of a basic rigid endoscope and how to properly handle and care for these instruments. The perioperative team must understand the construction and possible malfunctions of the scopes. The guide will describe in detail some of the more common symptoms of a damaged scope and what would cause the damage to occur. The proper handling, inspection and sterilization process is imperative in minimizing repairs and ensuring patient safety.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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This course will instruct students how to use the Agiliti Rigid Endoscope Damage Prevention Audit tool to enable hospitals to find where damage is occurring. This presentation contains basic instruction on how to initiate and track a process improvement project.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Learn how surgical video cameras work, how they are used in procedures and how to protect them from damage.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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The video camera is one of the most critical components of an endoscopic or video system and because of this, the surgical team must completely understand the care and handling needed to maintain the camera. This study guide will review the evolution and technology of a video camera along with its proper care and handling so that patient safety is not compromised.
  • CE credits: 1.0
  • Accredited through: HSPA, CBSPD

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Laser Safety

This training will provide healthcare personnel who participate in the laser treatment environment with the knowledge they need to be “laser safe” during the operation and use of healthcare laser systems.
  • CE credits: N/A

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HSPA and CBSPD Pre-certification

Let our educators help your entire team prepare for their certification needs. Developed by our team of instructors with a combined 60+ years of expertise, Agiliti offers in-depth pre-certification courses for three major industry certification programs: CBSPD, CRCST, CER and CHL. Our instructors work with you to ensure you are getting the most out of your learning experience. Automated scoring alerts our instructors when extra help is needed to provide “hands-on” assistance. Have questions? Leave a message for our instructors within the learning application, and they will respond quickly to address your request.

Valued at over $300 per user, all pre-certification and continuing education courses are available to Agiliti Surgical Equipment Repair customers free of charge. Explore course offerings below and request access. Not an Agiliti customer? Complete the form below to find out how you can become one.

endoscopes laid out on a surgical tray

Sterile processing is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field. Technicians of all experience levels can benefit from the comprehensive education required to receive an internationally recognized certification. This course assists technicians as they prepare to sit for the HSPA CRCST exam. Participants will benefit from the experience of our industry-leading educators as they progress through the certification material. Our quizzes and tests help students mentally prepare for test conditions.

At a glance:

  • 24 chapters and quizzes
  • Video-based learning
  • 5 practice tests throughout the course with one final practice exam covering all 24 chapters
  • Self-paced

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Flexible endoscopes are modern medical marvels. However, with their complexity comes the opportunity for costly mistakes. In this comprehensive pre-certification course, reprocessing technicians will gain valuable knowledge to help them receive their HSPA CER certification and prevent errors that can lead to expensive repairs and patient harm.

At a glance:

  • 15 chapters and quizzes
  • Video-based learning
  • 3 practice tests throughout the course with one final practice exam covering all 15 chapters
  • Self-paced

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The Certified Healthcare Leader course is designed for individuals who are leaders in the Sterile Processing Department and for those who desire to become leaders. This custom pre-certification class offers valuable knowledge to perform at a higher skill level required for management in the Sterile Processing field. It is a comprehensive course that covers many aspects of Sterile Processing Leadership, such as Sterile Processing Law, Staff Development, Financial Management, Construction Projects, Quality, and Infection Prevention, to name a few. This pre-certification class is for managers, supervisors, or anyone wanting to grow in the field.

At a glance:

  • 24 chapters and quizzes
  • Video-based learning
  • 5 practice tests throughout the course with one final practice exam covering all 24 chapters
  • Self-paced

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Sterile processing is a dynamic, rapidly evolving field. Technicians of all experience levels can benefit from the comprehensive education required to receive an internationally recognized certification. This course assists technicians as they prepare to sit for the CSPDT exam. Participants will also benefit from the experience of our industry-leading educators as they progress through the certification material. Quizzes and tests help students mentally prepare for test conditions.

At a glance:

  • 12 chapters and quizzes
  • Video-based learning
  • 1 comprehensive practice exam
  • Self-paced

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Additional Educational Resources

Agiliti provides a number of video resources focused on the proper use of pateint beds and surfaces and the proper management of surgical laser accessories. Simply follow the links to view this content.

Patient Equipment Instructional Videos

One of our goals is to ensure ease of use. Our instructional videos, focusing primarily on hospital bed frames and support surfaces, are designed to provide caregivers with comprehensive instruction on select patient medical equipment.

MLSO Education

Access educational videos and resources promoting the safe use and effective management of medial lasers and accessories. Included are clinical updates related to The Joint Commission. As an added bonus, Agiliti partners with the Laser Institute to provide hands-on demonstrations at all LIA MLSO training courses.

Request Access to Agiliti U

To request access to our continuing education and pre-certification, please fill complete and submit this form. Our instructors will review your request and provide confirmation based on your desired access and customer status.
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